Medimed (www.medimed.in) is web and mobile application (available in Google play store), is run and operated by Medimed Healthcare. Medimed Healthcare is a registered firm registered as MSME under GoI, having its registered office at Guwahati,Assam, India. It is a Portal where Healthcare Service Providers can showcase their Services and Consumers can Book the services. It is also a multi vendor ECommerce platform for Medicines and Health Products. Medimed also manages a network of Peripheral Agents, who assist consumers in accessing Medimed Services.
(Healthcare Service Providers(HSP) refers to Hospitals, Clinics,Labs-Diagnostics,Pharmacies or any entity who have Healthcare services)
(Any rural Pharmacy owner, Health blogger etc can themselves registered as Peripheral Agents)
Our Services for Users:
Find Doctor availability Information around the user of their required Department, required hospital/Clinic and Book Appointment if required.Appointment is Slot Based. Users can choose a suitable hour of the day for appointment booking, subject to availability. Doctor’s details including his degrees, professional achievements can also be viewed by the user before visiting the Doctor.
Users can search Medicines/Health Products for availability in the Pharmacies around him/her and can Self Collect or request Delivery.
Users can request Sample collection from the labs around him/her
Users can Book a slot for Diagnostics Tests like USG,CT Scan MRI etc and thus avoid long waiting at the Diagnostic Premises.
Users can Book a slot for Diagnostics Tests like USG,CT Scan MRI etc and thus avoid long waiting at the Diagnostic Premises.
User can Search for information about any medical condition and read Doctor Verified articles/Watch videos for the searched items
Users can find information about ICU availability information around him/her.
Users can find information about Blood Bank/Blood group availability information around him/her.
Users can Search Surgery Packages like Gallbladder surgery, Kidney stone Surgery etc for their availability in Hospitals around them, with their Prices
Users can also Book Doctors, Physiotherapist, Nurses etc for home Visits. Users can also send requests for dressing etc home services
Our Services for Healthcare Service Providers:
Hospitals/Clinics can showcase their Doctors with Doctors Professional Details and availability Slots for Information and Booking by the traffic lands at Medimed platforms(Website/App) and by Medimed Peripheral Agents. Hospitals can also add their Pharmacy and laboratory like Independent labs,Pharmacies for services detailed later.
Hospitals can showcase their Surgery Packages like Gallbladder surgery, Kidney stone surgery etc with the Prices they charge and User/Agents can Book/Send query for the same
Pharmacies Can showcase their available stock digitally, receive online Medicine Orders by themselves or get orders assigned by Medimed Admin and Delivers them using Medimed Partnered Courier Agencies. Users after searching availability may come for Self Collection as well. Pharmacies having their own Delivery boy can also deliver orders themselves in their locality after receiving orders through Medimed.
Pharmacies can make Loyal Customers using the cart sharing system of Medimed. In this system, pharmacies can create and share Carts with the monthly required Medicines for the visited customers and Medimed will alert and prompt the customer, before medicine gets finished at home for ordering the medicines from the said pharmacy. Thus the pharmacy gets recurring orders.
Lab Diagnostics can showcase the lab-Diagnostics tests available with them at Medimed Platforms(Website/App) thus get Sample collection requests, Slot Booking request for USG,CT Scan etc from the traffic lands at Medimed platforms and by Medimed Peripheral Agents.
Our Services for Peripheral Agents:
Peripheral Agents by means of assisting Patients or their attendants, in accessing Medimed Services, will receive incentives of various amounts and thus have extra earnings
Peripheral Agents can work in affiliate marketing models as well.
- Medimed does not own any Doctor, Lab etc Test, Service packages etc, neither it sells any Medicines or Health products. For the purposes of the service offered by Medimed for users, Medimed tie-ups with Healthcare service providers like Hospitals,Clinics, Pharmacies, Labs etc.
- Medimed Delivers Medicines using partnered courier agencies.
- Sample collections for the lab tests are done by the lab's own collection Boys.
- Booking/Appointments are accepted/Rejected/Assigned different slots by specific Hospitals/Clinics/Diagnostics. Medimed never interfere in the process. It just forwards user requirements to the Hospital/Clinic
- Medimed treats all Doctors and Health Care service providers with equal respect and dignity. It never provides extra leverage to anybody, except for those who opt for In app/Website promotions.
- Medimed never delivers medicine for which prescription is necessary but not provided by the user or dispensing is restricted by law. Vendor agreement of Medimed with Pharmacies, restricts vendors for the same. Pharmacies if involved in such a mistake, Specific Pharmacy shall be answerable to the law. For misplaced or lost prescription, medimed may arrange an Online Consultation for the patient, to regenerate the Prescription.
- Medicine Packaging is done by Pharmacies and are responsible for the content of the package.
- Medimed strictly follows a Customer Care Policy, Privacy Policy, Cancellation-Return Refund Policy.